Copy favorite Amarok songs
Suppose we have some songs reside in /music and want transfer them to Kindle Duokan or any storage. We need an sql query to fetch their path:
./sql.sql SELECT `U`.`rpath` from `statistics` as `S`, `urls` as `U` where `S`.`url` = `U`.`id` ORDER BY `S`.score DESC LIMIT 256
and a simple shell script for copying them:
./ #!/bin/env sh from="/music" dest="/media/Kindle/music" dir="`dirname "${1:1}"`"; if [ ! -d "$dest""$dir" ]; then mkdir -p "$dest""$dir" fi cp "$from${1:1}" "$dest${1:1}"
$ chmod u+x $ mysql --silent -r -u amarok_user -p amarok > sql.sql \ | grep --color=never -i '.*\.mp3' \ | xargs -d'\n' -L 1 -I '{}' ./ '{}'